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Community Presence

The Great Bean Counters have a local presence from which to provide Kenmore with accounting services.


To be the best accountant in Kenmore we endeavour to provide not only accurate high quality, affordable and friendly accounting services, but also involve ourselves in the wider community. We welcome reciprocal business with local businesses and greatly anticipate opportunities to demonstrate that we are safe hands for anything taxation and accounting related.  


Appointments can be arranged outside of business hours, including weekends. 


Because we are an accounting firm based in near Kenmore we are able to be flexible to provide call outs to your premises if you may find it difficult to find time to escape home or work spaces.

Median Household Weekly income


Median monthly mortgage repayments


Registered Businesses for Kenmore


Non for profits

Community Profile



Business Snapshot


    Non-employing          540  


    1–4 employees          227    


    5–19 employees         78    


    20–199 employees      9 


    200+ employees         0


    Total                         851


With 8,960 people in the suburb

and an average of 2.8 people

per household, on average

you would find a household 

that has a business every 3.7

houses. That is a lot of 

businesses for the population 



Business Turnover


The Business turnover for 

Kenmore generally is smaller 

than the national and state

average, as expected 

with more sole traders and

small businesses strongly

among the business makeup 




Education  and Employment


Kenmore has well above the average state education level which likely is reflected in the employment sectors. 44.9% of the population hold a bachelors degree or above compared to 18.3% of the state on average. This is paired with more than 10% more people graduating from grade 12 compared to the average.


Much alike the surrounding suburbs Kenmore has a significant employment percentage (6.3%) in higher education, which is roughly 5% higher than the national average. Just as nearby suburbs such as Brookfield and Pullenvale extending to Moggill and surrounds the suburb also has a high amount of employment in healthcare, which is its second highest employment area behind higher education. The third and forth largest employers are capped off in the suburb by primary education and secondary education respectively, slightly over 1% higher each than the state averages. If the higher education, primary and secondary educational employment stats are totalled the suburb has 12.1% of its employment in educational areas. 


The suburb of Kenmore has nearly 20% more of its workers employed as professionals than the national average. 





The average age in Kenmore is 40, suggesting many are in a near range to consider retirement. Pairing with the higher disposable income in many cases having self managed superannuation funds will be a valid option to explore for many residents. In fact the suburb has over 1.3% more people aged 45-49 years than the country average.





Kenmore has a majority female demographic at 51.7% female. The suburb household composition has 0.9 children on average per household, suggesting there is a reasonably large amount of people free of some high costing child related expenses.  


Occupancy ownership


38.1% of houses are owned outright in Kenmore, nearly 10% higher than the state average, in spite of higher than average housing costs. 


Unoccupied private dwellings


Kenmore has a 93% occupancy of houses, which is 5% higher than the state average and 6% more than the national average. At 38.7% of houses owned outright there are 7.7% more of these occupied dwellings are owned outright compared to the national average.




Kenmore is arguably a generous suburb that has 10% more of the population volunteering than the state average and nearly double the nationally average. A total of 28% of the population engage in volunteer activities annually. If there is a competition for generosity engaged locally we should point out this is only 0.1% less than Pullenvale.




Kenmore is a more non secular suburb than the average in both Australia and Queensland. 34.4% identify as secular compared to 29.2% state wide and 29.6% nationally. 


20.6% identify as Catholic while 14.1% identify as Anglican. 5.6% belong to the Uniting Church.


6.7% in the census data did not state a religion. Behind these religions other spiritual identities vary significantly such as those in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster constituting the 23.8% remainder.


Unpaid House work


Potentially a reflection of a higher frequency of more adults involved in the workforce is that the suburb has a greater splitting of household chores. 83.1% of people over 15 years old do unpaid housework each week compared to 70.5% state wide and 69% nationally. We could also tell ourselves that we are a more progressive part of town too. The reasoning is up to you. 

When you consider this along with the increased frequency of working from home, it may also be worth knowing that cleaning by a professional of your office space can be considered a work expense.



Accounting for Business Turnover in Kenmore
Accounting for Business Employment in Kenmore
Office Hours
Monday to Friday    7:30am - 7:30pm
Weekends            10:00am - 3:00pm
Appointments can be arranged before or after hours, including weekends.
Feel free to call us on 0433 188 371
Or submit your details below for us to contact you 

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Key Local Professions

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