Pullenvale Community Profile
Community Presence
Pullenvale is a suburb local to our business location.
To be the best accountant in Pullenvale we aim to not only provide quality, affordable and friendly accounting services, but also involve ourselves in the wider community. We welcome reciprocal business with local businesses and greatly anticipate opportunities to demonstrate that we are safe hands for anything taxation and accounting related.
Appointments can be arranged before or after hours, including weekends.
We are based near Pullenvale and do call outs for those who may find it difficult to find time to escape home.
Median Household Weekly income
Median monthly mortgage repayments
Registered Businesses for Pullenvale
Community Profile
Business Snapshot (including Pinjarra Hills)
Non-employing 418
1–4 employees 242
5–19 employees 33
20–199 employees 9
200+ employees 0
Total Businesses 706
Business Turnover
The Business turnover for
Pullenvale generally is smaller
than the national and state
Unique Characteristic Statistically
Pullenvale is one of the only, along with Brookfield, suburb in Brisbane that has a higher weekly household income than the median mortgage repayments are monthly. One may suggest given with one of the traditionally higher expenses covered that there is room for savvy investment with taxation consideration in mind for locals.
The income in Pullenvale for a household is over double the state average, and generally sites in a higher income bracket, meaning that taxation claims will have more benefits generally for locals here.
Education and Employment
Well above the average state education level
Much alike the surrounding suburbs Pullenvale has a high employment in the scientific community compared to the national averages with these the most common occupations in medical professions especially hospital and a high amount in higher education related employment. A different trend to the local area however is one of the core professional areas being around computer system design in the top 5 professions, and 2% higher than the state and national averages, which is over three times the state average.
You are nearly 5 times more likely for someone you meet to be in Engineering Design and Engineering Consulting Services when meeting someone from Pullenvale with 3.2% of the population fitting this categorisation. The national average is under 0.7% of people in the engineering area.
The average age in Pullenvale is 42, suggesting many are in a near range to consider retirement. Pairing with the higher disposable income in many cases having self managed superannuation funds will be a valid option to explore for many residents. In fact the suburb has over 3% more people aged 45-49 years than the country average as a testament to this.
Pullenvale is an anomaly for the 4069/4070 communities in that it actually has 0.1% more males than females, which is the only suburb to have more males than females locally.
Higher occupancy than the state and national averages, with a higher amount of owner occupiers
Unoccupied private dwellings
Pullenvale has a 93.8% occupancy of houses, which is 5% higher than the state average and 6% more than the national average. At 38.7% of houses owned outright there are 7.7% more of these occupied dwellings are owned outright compared to the national average.
Data has been sourced from ABS census data 2016 and Brisbane City Council data among other sources