Karana Downs
Community Presence
The Great Bean Counters have a local presence from which to provide Karana Downs with accounting services.
To be the best accountant in Karana Downs we endeavour to provide not only accurate high quality, affordable and friendly accounting services, but also involve ourselves in the wider community. We welcome reciprocal business with local businesses and greatly anticipate opportunities to demonstrate that we are safe hands for anything taxation and accounting related.
Appointments can be arranged outside of business hours, including weekends.
Because we are an accounting firm based in near Karana Downs we are able to be flexible to provide call outs to your premises if you may find it difficult to find time to escape home or work spaces.
Median Household Weekly income
Median monthly mortgage repayments
Registered Businesses for Karana Downs (+Mount Crosby)
Non for profits
Community Profile
Business Snapshot (including Mount Crosby)
Non-employing 281
1–4 employees 175
5–19 employees 23
20–199 employees 0
200+ employees 0
Total 464
Business Turnover
The Business turnover for
Karana Downs
generally is smaller
than the national and state
average, as expected
with more sole traders and
small businesses strongly
among the business makeup. In
Spite of few businesses with many employees the suburb down maintain 9 businesses with over $2 million annual turnover.
Business Industry
When looking at business industries prevalent in Karana Downs is Construction (22.8%), 9.8% higher than the Brisbane average. This is in contrast to surrounding 4069 and 4070 suburbs that have below average construction businesses registered for their business counts and populations.
Professional, scientific and technical services represent the second largest amount of businesses registered in the area, a little above the city average.
Although only 13 businesses in education and training the sector does represent a much higher than average percentage of businesses accounting for 2.8% of businesses represented in this area, compared to 1.6% Brisbane wide.
Education and Employment
Karana Downs has a similar to average educational level to the state average. While this is true for most indicators the suburb does have 27.6% of its population holding a bachelors degrees of above compared to 18.3% as the state average holding these.
Much alike the surrounding suburbs Karana downs has a significant employment percentage in education however in primary education as contrast to higher education in the surrounds. Just as nearby suburbs such as Pullenvale extending to Moggill and surrounds the suburb also has a high amount of employment in healthcare particularly hospitals, which is its second highest employment area behind primary education.
The third and forth largest employers are capped off in the suburb by higher education and grocery store employment respectively. Higher education employment is 1.7% higher than the state average while grocery store employment statistically sits fairly similar to state and national averages of employment compositions.
The employment trend is similar to the other west side postcodes of 4069 and 4070 though is the most different among them.
The suburb of Karana Downs has 5.6% more of its workers employed as professionals than the state average sitting at 25.4% compared to the average of 19.8% state wide.
For sub major employment types, without industry specific focus the suburb has Specialist Managers (8.7%) as its largest employment role just before educational professionals (6.8%) and Business, Human Resource and Marketing Professionals (5.3%).
The average age in Karana Downs is 38 making it the youngest of the 4069/4070 suburbs on average. In spite of this it does have over 2% below the state averages of people in the two brackets between 20 and 29 sitting at just over 4% of the population. The average has a lot of young parents as well as 10-14 year old children that is 2.8% above the state average.
The suburb has 1.9% more 40-44 year olds as its other major demographical shift from the state norms, that combines with the higher chances of young teens, suggesting there are more parents in their early 40s with kids entering or soon to enter high school.
Karana Downs has a very slight majority female demographic at 50.2% female. The suburb household composition has 1 child on average per household, suggesting there is a reasonably large amount of people free of some high costing child related expenses.
Unoccupied private dwellings
Karana Downs has a 94.6% occupancy of houses, which is 6.6% higher than the state average and 7.6% more than the national averages occupied.
Karana Downs has 23.0% of people engaged in volunteering, which is above the state and national average, though roughly 10% less than the average in the 4069/4070 community.
Data has been sourced from ABS census data 2016 and Brisbane City Council data among other sources