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Community Presence
The Great Bean Counters have a local presence from which to provide Brookfield with accounting services.
To be the best accountant in Brookfield we endeavour to provide not only accurate high quality, affordable and friendly accounting services, but also involve ourselves in the wider community. We welcome reciprocal business with local businesses and greatly anticipate opportunities to demonstrate that we are safe hands for anything taxation and accounting related.  
Appointments can be arranged outside of business hours, including weekends. 
Because we are an accounting firm based in near Brookfield we are able to be flexible to provide call outs to your premises if you may find it difficult to find time to escape home or work spaces.

Median Household Weekly income


Median monthly mortgage repayments


Registered Businesses for Brookfield


Non for profits

Community Profile



Business Snapshot


    Non-employing          378  


    1–4 employees          366    


    5–19 employees         78    


    20–199 employees      116


    200+ employees         37


    Total                         900




Business Turnover


The Business turnover for 

Brookfield generally is smaller 

than the national and state

average, as expected 

with more sole traders and

small businesses strongly

among the business makeup 




Business Industry


When looking at business industries prevalent in Brookfield 24.1% of them classify as professional, scientific and technical services roughly 10% higher than the Brisbane average.


The suburb has 3.3% less (at 9.7%) of the businesses represented by construction related industries than the rest of Brisbane, which aligns with a much lower statistic of employment as labourers and alike. 


Although only 28 businesses Agriculture, forestry and fishing businesses do represent a much higher than average percentage of businesses 2.5 times higher than the Brisbane average.

Education  and Employment


Brookfield has well above the average state education level which likely is reflected in the employment sectors. 43.7% have a bachelors degree or above compared to 18.3% as the state average. Meanwhile roughly 10% more people graduate from grade 12 than the average of the state.


Much alike the surrounding suburbs Brookfield has a significant employment percentage in higher education. Just as nearby suburbs such as Pullenvale extending to Moggill and surrounds the suburb also has a high amount of employment in healthcare particularly hospitals, which is its second highest employment area behind higher education.


The third and forth largest employers are capped off in the suburb by primary education and Computer System Design and Related Services respectively. Computer related services are 2% higher than the national average roughly sitting at 3% of the local employment.


The employment trend is very similar to the other west side postcodes of 4069 and 4070 , especially Pullenvale who shares the exact same professional focuses. 


Another notable profession in Brookfield is the Legal employment being 2.8% compared to the state average of 0.9% making it over 3 times more likely to meet someone in the legal profession than elsewhere in Queensland


The suburb of Brookfield has nearly 20% more of its workers employed as professionals than the state average sitting at 39.7% compared to the average of 19.8% state wide. 


For sub major employment types, without industry specific focus the suburb has Specialist Managers (10.2%) as its largest employment role just before health professionals (7.7%) and educational professionals (7.5%) followed closely by design, engineering, science and transport professionals (7.0%). 



Employment working hours


Brookfield notably has lower full time employment of its' residents ((5.1% less) and higher part time by roughly 9% compared to the state average, suggesting lifestyle choices made in the area. The area also has much less unemployment than the state and national average by 4%.




The average age in Brookfield is 46, suggesting many are in a near range to consider retirement. Pairing with the higher disposable income in many cases having self managed superannuation funds will be a valid option to explore for many residents. In fact the suburb has over 9.1% people aged 50-54 years which is 2.5% more than the country average.





Brookfield has a very slight majority female demographic at 50.1% female. The suburb household composition has 1.1 children on average per household, suggesting there is a reasonably large amount of people free of some high costing child related expenses.  


Occupancy ownership


48.4% of houses are owned outright in Brookfield, nearly 20% higher than the state average, in spite of well higher than average housing costs. 


Unoccupied private dwellings


Brookfield has a 94.5% occupancy of houses, which is 6.5% higher than the state average and 7.5% more than the national average. 




Brookfield is arguably a generous suburb that has 10% more of the population volunteering than the state average and nearly double the nationally average. A total of 29.6% of the population engage in volunteer activities annually for groups and organisations.




Brookfield has nearly a fifth of the average crime against people than the average statistics nationally per 1000 people. The suburb in other offences has not even a tenth comparatively to the national averages making it arguably the safest suburb in Queensland.



Data has been sourced from ABS census data 2016 and Brisbane City Council data among other sources 


Accounting for Business Turnover in Brookfield
Accounting for Business Employment in Brookfield
Office Hours
Monday to Friday    7:30am - 7:30pm
Weekends            10:00am - 3:00pm
Appointments can be arranged before or after hours, including weekends.
Feel free to call us on 0433 188 371
Or submit your details below for us to contact you 

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